Resonance profiles

Artistic handwriting of an instrument by Antonio Stradivari with acoustic analysis in the Martin Schleske Master Studio

The revered old Italian instruments by makers like Guarneri, Stradivari, Montagnana, Guadagnini and Bergonzi have inspired my ongoing respect. You feel awe in view of the aura that emanates from their mature beauty. These are the ideals that have inspired and (through detailed analysis) served as contemporary "teachers" in my work!

Artistic handwriting of the back plate
Artistic handwriting of the scroll

The following diagram shows the sound radiation resonance profile for the Stradivarius 1686 (black curve) vs. a Schleske (op. 105) from the year 2008 (red curve). The resonances can be compared to the tubes of paint that a painter uses.

The unaveraged resonance profile shows the resonating power of all of the individual resonances for both instruments. It took acoustically superior tone wood to create a new instrument with a resonance profile exhibiting such great projection. High resonating power is a necessary tonal property for a solo instrument.

Comparison measurement between a contemporary violin by Schleske (op. 105) from the year 2008 and a J. B. Guadagnini (from the year 174…) played by an internationally renowned soloist. Levels averaged over the individual resonances in bandwidths of a third.